MapToons Logo
Chamber Chatter MapToons Shoppers
Businesses Served Since 2003

About us

Our Story

MaptoonsnewsdayOkay, we admit it… we're crazy about cartoon maps, which is why we call our company MapToons!

Since 2003, we've created over 90 of those fun, colorful, whimsical business maps that you see in diners, restaurants, banks, doctors offices, and well, practically all over town!

Our maps are created exclusively for our local Chambers of Commerce, where we help to boost membership and increase their treasury. Check out dozens of satisfied testimonials here.

Designed to promote local business in your community, our maps are a powerful marketing tool direct mailed to every home, distributed by participating merchants, allocated to area hotels, issued by the Chamber of Commerce and more!

All Nassau County MapToons are online and interactive, linking residents, newcomers and visitors to your place of business.

As an added bonus, each MapToon comes with a complete list of merchants offering incredible savings around town. And with over 2,500 locations on Long Island also offering discounts, download the MapToons Shoppers Discount app or visit to start saving now!

Note: We create your town’s MapToon just once every five years, so the opportunity to participate in this project is limited.

See our Newsday article